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It's A Movement- Josh Clark

So, as I sit here, thinking, listening, writing, and wondering about all the things that have taken place over the last year, both the good and the bad, one thing that is a constant, is the overwhelming and humbling joy I feel every day from all the positive energy put forth from the Buckle Up For Chi movement.

I joined the BUFC movement, (and I say movement because it is so much more than just a group), on the day that it was created. It’s hard to put into words how a person who I never got the honor to meet in person could have such a major impact on my life. From the first time I discovered Deftones almost seventeen years ago, I was hooked. It came at a point in my life when I needed it the most, just after my father passed. The music really pulled me through one of the roughest points of my childhood. It was through that love of Deftones that I continued to follow anything associated.

After Chi’s accident, I remember visiting the One Love for Chi website on a daily basis. Checking for updates, looking for ways to help, or just looking for others stories about the life Chi lead and how humble of a person he was. Then, after his passing two years ago, is how I came to join BUFC. Honestly, I never knew how much his passing would affect me, but the BUFC movement really helped with the emotions I was feeling. Constantly battling bouts of depression, still fighting it, with all the negativity that we see so often, BUFC became the one place where I saw just how positive people can be. Every day people from all over, coming together to represent for something they so strongly believe in. It’s infectious and contagious to feel that kind of positive energy. Personally, for me, It’s gone far beyond an awareness campaign for seatbelts and to celebrate the life of Chi. It has become a place where I see and feel that there are still so many positive things going on. I know it was started to promote seatbelt awareness, but again, it is so much more than that for me and I am just thankful to be a part of such an amazing movement. I got my first Buckle Up For Chi bracelets just over a year ago, one for each wrist, and they haven’t been removed since…Honestly, before this movement was started, I wore my seatbelt, spotty at best, but since joining and putting on these bracelets, I haven’t missed a day of buckling up. If I’m in a vehicle, I’m buckled. But, every time I look down at my wrists, I see those two bracelets, I feel them on my skin, not only does it remind me to buckle up, but it makes me think of all the things in my life that may hold me back…It makes me think about everything that I love and everything that I am passionate about, and it reminds me to not be afraid to wake up every day, get out of bed, and live life to the fullest extent, because everything is only temporary and what precious time we all have here, we should focus on what makes us feel that positive feeling, and fight for what we love.

I just want to say thank you to all of the selfless volunteers, who, I’m sure, work tirelessly to promote this movement and all the positive energy that comes from it…Thank you for letting me be a part of this... Much Respect, and OneLove!

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