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My Year 2019 - Brian McDade

Where do I begin... Where do I end.... Ok, here’s a glimpse. 2019 was a strange trip. I lost one of my childhood friends to a dirty habit he was hiding from all of us. I’m still missing him. Watching my parents really show their age is kinda scary to me. For the first time they look old to me. Not as vibrant and full of life as they once were. I’m finding myself thinking about death more than usual these days. Not in a bad way mind you, In a curious sense. Where does it take you? Is it like the movies ? Fluffy white clouds and peeps floating around ? One of the highlights of my year was definitely flying out to the Pasadena Day Dream Festival to catch the boys and The Cure . I had a chance to connect with some BUFC homies, who were nothing but the awesome people I thought they’d be. I thought to myself a couple times throughout the show what Chi is thinking about this show up there in the sky. He had the best seat. One love forever and always

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